Saturday 11 June 2016

And then he shat in my hair..

So today I tried tandem feeding..
I tried this once when they were still small and they suffered some times with getting their wind up, anyway Luke ended up being sick and it put me off.
Ive had help a lot latletly with my partner having annual leave, and my family helping me with feeds. So one wouldnt have to cry whilst waiting.
So this evening I was doing a feed on my own and I thought ill tandem feed. So i got myself comfy on the sofa and put them both on my lap and proceeded. It went amazing. It was such a beautiful experience as well. Them both looking at me. Waiting patiently to be winded.
It all was amazing, I was so proud of myself.
Then it came to nappy changing, which we always do half way through and of course Chloe by here had to go and be cocky and started to change them on my lap. Done Jayden fine. He was ready and waiting, And then it came to Luke. I undid his nappy and before anything I had sh*t all on my top, on my face, on the sofa and in my hair. So their is something for you to laugh about on your saturday evening.
But my advice for mums wanting to tandem feed is, if it doesnt go well the first time. Dont give up, dont stress. Try again. AND DONT CHANGE THEM ON YOUR LAP!😅

Monday 6 June 2016

Labour angel to labour devil..

Hey everyone! and welcome back to my channel. I am now back after my twins being born. They are currently 9 weeks old. If you followed my blogs from previous, where I wrote about my pregnancy, then please enjoy the follow up..

So first things first, LABOUR.
I never really put much thought in to labour and what it would be like, the whole time I was pregnant. So it came to a ''lovely'' surprise.
I went to my usual antenatal class on a Tuesday, in the waiting room, I lent on my mother for cramping pains. I then ended up on the labour ward being 2cm dialited at 35 weeks, this was a massive shock as I could of gone an extra week. We thought things would move a lot quicker, but no it lasted until the Friday the 1st of April.
I had my show, and I was getting so impatient and so I was bouncing on the ball and all sorts. The contractions got stronger as the time got on and my Mum and Partner was begging for the midwife for pain relief for me and to move me to the labour ward, I don't think they realized I was going in to labour.. 

''Inspection'' time and I was now 4cm.. they rushed me to the labour ward, where we all got cosy..
it was beautiful my Mother and Callum was eating a McDonalds and I could't eat in case I was going to be in need of a c-section.
Even my Nanny popped in when Callum was getting the McDonalds, As I pretended not to be high of gas and air in front of her. 
I was riding through my contractions, my waters still hadn't gone and I was getting impatient as I has so many missed signals of going in to labour. Was this the time? 

My midwife then made a point that the babies could try and be born in their waters and that wouldn't be a great idea for twins..
So next time when she did an ''inspection'' if I had progressed then they would need a plan to break my waters. 
Half way through the inspection and BANG their goes my waters. This is then when it hit me, shit im going to me a Mum. This is actually going to happen. I am in labour. 
It didn't take me much longer than that when I had pethidine, which was bullshit, lasted about 20 minutes and did nothing. Gas and air only helped as I chomped on it, with dear life.
An hour later and I turned into Satan, I wanted to die. My body felt like it was going to explode. I needed to push, and I tried, and tried and tried AGAIN. Nobody would listen and just thought I wasn't pushing hard enough. 

I am usually a calm person, buy my key highlights are shouting ''wankers, I hate my life, telling my mum it wasn't time to laugh, as she was helping me with a wet flannel on my head and I knocked it off and shouted at her for it, but she had to laugh'' 
But here is the best part, I pretended to faint on the bed. With all the monitors on me. How shitting stupid.
I screamed for about 4 hours for an epidural, they finally gave in and by the time they gave it to me, it only worked a minute before the boys were born.

Lets scan her they said. Oh yes Chloe you can't push as they're both coming out at the same time and Luke's heart is starting to drop. We will get the forceps and you push. 
THIS is all that went through my head. 
Luckily it has passed midnight as I didn't like the idea of having them on April fools.

The doctors all came in and with one push Jayden was born at 1:52 4lb5 and Luke at 2:09 4lb7oz with two pushes.
I then got stitched up to my eye balls. 
Even though it sounds like it was a rough time at the end, this was the best night of my life and I would do it all again it a heart beat for Jayden and Luke. Do I remember the pain? No.
And do you know the best thing? My boys were born at 35weeks+2. Completley healthy with no problems at all. This made me over the moon.
Thanks for reading and sub me to read my upcoming posts
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