Saturday, 18 March 2017

Week One- Transformation Challenge.

Hey everyone!! I'm back with my week one! Hope this gives you an idea of what I ate and did, I did have a few slip ups, but I did my best.

Day One:
Gym: 1 hour and half of cardio.
Breakfast: Scrambled egg and Protein shake.
Lunch: Tuna pasta.
Dinner: Home made chips and pitta bread.
Treat: Frozen berries and muller light.

Day two of transformation: 
Exercise: 1 hour in the gym of cardio and a walk in the afternoon. 
Breakfast: egg on toast  
Lunch: Pork dinner, all home made and healthy. 
Snacks: fruit and yogurt. 

Day three: 
Exercise: Pt session in the gym and swimming. 
breakfast: Fruit 
lunch: brown roll and humus and peppers. 
rice krispy cupcake 
Dinner: cauliflower rice, chicken and veg. 
This was the day when I took my sons to the zoo, temptation was there and I gave in, damn it.

Day Four: 
Breakfast: Poached on toast 
lunch: salad platter 
tea: chicken, egg and cauli rice :) 
Exercise: 3 miles running, 10mins biking, 1pmins upper weights and dance fit 1 hour. 

Day five: 
Breakfast: Crustless toast, minimal butter. 
Lunch: Half a naan, chicken and salad and home made chips. 
Dinner: Subway Salad. 
Exercise: 45 bounce fit and half an hour of running.

Day six: 
I haven't felt very well today: So a day off the gym and minimal food, I didn't feel healthy food, so I made my own pizza (Healthier option) And now I'm hating it. 
Breakfast: Toast 
Lunch: Wotsits
Tea: Pizza  (Regretting it). 
Exercise: Nil.

Day 7: 
Breakfast: Frozen berries and yogurt. 
Lunch: Sausage roll 
Dinner: Nandos. 
Exercise: Yoga. 

Regrets of the week: Giving it to small temptations.
Goals for the next week: Don't give in to temptations and stay focused.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing

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