Going back to work/studying can be very daunting when you have had a baby, or again in my case babies..
My original plan was to wait a year and go to college, but September came a long and I got accepted in to college for an interview, I had a long hard think and thought, why not do it now?
it will only be 6 hours a day, and then it's done with..
I got in and had my interview, which I got accepted into, they then proceeded to tell me, I would start straight away, it all become so real, very quickly.
I got home and I balled my eyes out, the thought of leaving my little saucepans.. don't ask, I have said it since birth.. I'm weird.
But anyway, here I am sobbing my heart out, even though I am ready to go out in the big world again, I would miss them in every single way possible. I will miss watching peppa pig, cleaning dirty nappies, them ripping my hair out and singing all day long. Even though those six hours will fly, those six hours, mean the world to me.
It has to be done though, when the boys are older, I want to be in a stable job, where I am doing what I want, and for them to see me happy and proud of me. That means the world to me, them to have a house over there heads.
Everybody has to go back to work at some point, it's so fricking nerve racking. Due my pregnancy, I lost my job to severe sickness and being admitted in to hospital, to be put on a drip. So I didn't do much socializing, when I was pregnant and then having children, your social life goes from 100-0 real quick. So even going to my interview, and seeing other people in that type of environment, was crazy, as most of their worries for example was ''hope we get paid ema soon, so we can go out a Friday'' and all I could keep thinking was ''I wonder if either of my sons has done an explosive nappy for my mother''. It will be strange, but I need to do this, for them.
I start on Monday, I'm nervous to the fact of socializing and leaving my little saucepans.. but I have been told it gets easier.. but I shall keep you all updated, and then maybe be able to give other mums advice. My boys are five moths going on six, so most Mother's go back to work around this time, so I'm not alone. *Crazy mum alert* I have already in my head wrote a schedule of what it's going to be like..
7am.. wake the boys up, give them breakfast.
8:30am.. leave the house
4pm.. feed the boys, on the way back home in the car
4:30pm.. give them their dinner
6:00pm.. bath, story, bottle, lots of cuddles and kisses and bed time for 7pm!
I hope this goes to plan, as I'm a bit of a plan freak, wish me luck and I shall keep you updated!!!