Thursday, 24 November 2016
The reason why I lost 4 1/2 pounds in a week with slimming world
As you should know I have two gorgeous babies who are now 8 months old, so I gained weight in my pregnancy, My goal was already to go back to the weight I was before having them, I have 9lbs left to go!
So anyway, for a few weeks now I have been a bit naughty, ooo slice of pizza, why not.. that wont' matter. So and so said at group they had been naughty and got away with it! But bam, it does all add up! You're happy, you get away with it, lost a 1lb, yipee!
Then the week later weigh comes on, a gain of a 1lb but how? I was good all week, and then I realized the naughty pizza slices had crept up!
And that is why I had to go home and think about why I'm doing this, why I want to lose weight and are those naughty slices of pizzas really worth it?
Not a chance in hell,
Food diary for the week done, and food shopping for the week done.
I had prepared my meals for the day and was focused. I followed it, I avoided going shopping where I would be tempted. Body magic came along, and was my best friend. Everyone has those down weeks? Well instead of picking up the chocolate bar I would take a walk/run.
I love my group they're all so sweet, and my consultant is so crazy, hysterically beautiful. We are always laughing, but the best thing is that we are all doing it together. Slimming world was the best thing I did for myself, and I shall carry on doing it.
I will get my half a stone award next week in group. I will do some more body magic and I will stay and carry on being determined!
SW 11.6 CW 10.9 TW 10.0
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Going back as a student, when you are a mother..
I'm back!! If you have read my previous blog posts, which if you want a good read, I suggest you do ;) Then you can see that I was writing on how I was going back to college for a new career path, I also said I would update you on how it was going, so here I am doing this..
The first day was horrible, I cried so much all the way, they were so excited when I was saying good bye, that it upset me even worse, but as the first term carried on, I started to enjoy it, even though I was missing my gorgeous boys terribly, they were my motivation, to work harder.
I completed and passed all assigned assignments/tests, which is less stress, and I came home to quality time with my beautiful babies. The most positive thing out of it all? They have such a strong bond with their Daddy now as well, as he is with them, when I am in college, Jayden's first word was even ''DADADA'' at 6 months old! Of course, they had a strong bond beyond, but there is just something magical of me seeing them all play together, receiving photos of how much fun they are all having!
I always ramble on about how much I love my family, but it is because I really do! Even though waking up is hard to going to college, I have that motivation to do it for my babies. Every Mother has to go back to work some time, and even though it is hard to say good bye, it's even better when saying Hello again, and they have time to miss me, so when they see me, they are even more excited.
So overall, the first term has been amazing! With a massive load of secret tears (off me), but it's all normal, and better for all of us in the long term..
To be updated.
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Pendine Sands Holiday: Diary
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Going back to work/studying
My original plan was to wait a year and go to college, but September came a long and I got accepted in to college for an interview, I had a long hard think and thought, why not do it now?
it will only be 6 hours a day, and then it's done with..
I got in and had my interview, which I got accepted into, they then proceeded to tell me, I would start straight away, it all become so real, very quickly.
I got home and I balled my eyes out, the thought of leaving my little saucepans.. don't ask, I have said it since birth.. I'm weird.
But anyway, here I am sobbing my heart out, even though I am ready to go out in the big world again, I would miss them in every single way possible. I will miss watching peppa pig, cleaning dirty nappies, them ripping my hair out and singing all day long. Even though those six hours will fly, those six hours, mean the world to me.
It has to be done though, when the boys are older, I want to be in a stable job, where I am doing what I want, and for them to see me happy and proud of me. That means the world to me, them to have a house over there heads.
Everybody has to go back to work at some point, it's so fricking nerve racking. Due my pregnancy, I lost my job to severe sickness and being admitted in to hospital, to be put on a drip. So I didn't do much socializing, when I was pregnant and then having children, your social life goes from 100-0 real quick. So even going to my interview, and seeing other people in that type of environment, was crazy, as most of their worries for example was ''hope we get paid ema soon, so we can go out a Friday'' and all I could keep thinking was ''I wonder if either of my sons has done an explosive nappy for my mother''. It will be strange, but I need to do this, for them.
I start on Monday, I'm nervous to the fact of socializing and leaving my little saucepans.. but I have been told it gets easier.. but I shall keep you all updated, and then maybe be able to give other mums advice. My boys are five moths going on six, so most Mother's go back to work around this time, so I'm not alone. *Crazy mum alert* I have already in my head wrote a schedule of what it's going to be like..
7am.. wake the boys up, give them breakfast.
8:30am.. leave the house
4pm.. feed the boys, on the way back home in the car
4:30pm.. give them their dinner
6:00pm.. bath, story, bottle, lots of cuddles and kisses and bed time for 7pm!
I hope this goes to plan, as I'm a bit of a plan freak, wish me luck and I shall keep you updated!!!
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Home truths of becoming a mother.
Secondly, the way your life changes, it's not all about partying, concerts, your celeb crush, favourite band, who's sleeping with who. It is now, how much milk do I have left?, have I took their weaning pot out of the freezer, what time did I last feed him? And I love that, because no matter what age you are, you will never realize how important life is until you have children.
Thirdly, The fact in my case two, become four. We are now a family. I have always been a family kinda girl. So to have my own, is everything and more. I use to be in love with my partner, but when you see him with your babies, you fall in love all over again, and its a different kind of love. A better love. Don't get me wrong, you'll be ready to batter him at a night feed, but hey?! where would be the fun if it was all lovey?
Fourthly, the love. You will never understand what love is until you have children. I would kill for my children. I'm finding it hard to describe to you, but words can't even begin to explain the feeling. This may sound sad, but when the night feeds stopped, and I was ready to put them to bed at 7. I would be upset, that I wasn't seeing them til the morning.
Fifthly, wait is that even a word? I created two humans?! this may be obvious to non mothers. But some mothers may understand me? Anyway, my children are now 5 months old, and I still to this day, look at them and think, ''I made them, they are mine, I didn't purchase them off amazon'. You can't believe that you can make something so amazing and perfect.
Okay their are some down sides that comes along when you become a mother, but are totally worth it.
Firstly, I remember (trying) to get out of my hospital bed, and getting in the shower, I was walking like John Wayne, whilst my partner was helping me, whilst I was shouting at him not to take his eyes off the babies (poor boy). My vagina felt like it was a balloon. I felt deflated and like an army had beaten me up. It's very true that your body will never be the same. I asked my mother for advice and she said my some expensive marks and spencer's suck yourself in pants.. yep still haven't come round to that yet.
Secondly, the worry. Is my baby eating enough?, is my baby pooing? wait what's that black tar stuff coming out of his bum?, first immunizations, in fact all the bloody immunizations. Your worries, will fade away, but the worries you have for your babies will become a lot worse. That is completely normal, and you will get through it.
Thirdly, Yeah you'll give yourself a hard time, where you don't think your doing things correctly, and that their are better mothers out there. But that's not the case. Just because ''Jenny'' down the road has uploaded 25 photos of her children in an amusement park, whilst your children are only in the back garden, doesn't mean that your children are having any less fun. As long as your children, are happy, fed and watered, who cares?
Fourthly, adjusting to your new life can be strange, you might not bother with the person who's been your best friend for life, or you might just feel lonely. My advice would be, if they are not bothering, then it's their loss. Trust me when they come and visit eventually and your baby does nothing but cry when they pick them up, then they will realise that they really did miss out.
Fifthly, okay that really doesn't sound like a word. That one day that kiss and cuddle is going to be embarrassing, and they won't want to be indoors all the time, they will be out with their friends. Babies don't stay babies for long. so cuddle them while you can.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Just think..
Love every moment of your baby, from newborn til they tell you no, because that time will come..
You've just fed them, and they cry for more, ONLY half an hour later?
Take a deep breathe and be happy,
One day they be somewhere in the world, partying? In their home?
You might not how much they are eatng.
Crying for a cuddle, but you really want to do those dishes?
Take a deep breath, and have that cuddle. One day they might say "mum, stop you're embarrassing me".
Grizzling when you're trying to enjoy a family meal at your local restraunt?
Pick them up and show them where you are. One day it will just be you and your partner.
Another dirty nappy?
Take a deep breath, one day they wont need you to change them.
"Mum, why is the sky blue", "Mum why is the grass green".
Dont get sick of the questions, take a deep breath and answer, they could asl somebody else.
Wont fall asleep in their cot?
Cuddle them, and cuddle them tight, one day they will be on their mobile/computer and up later than you, with no cuddles as that is to embarrassing.
Enjoy every moment, days can be hard. But their not little forever. ❤💙
Friday, 1 July 2016
ITS NOT "double trouble"
Ever since I found I was having a twin pregnancy, people would sau to me "oh gosh, double trouble".
I was blessed with two babies, okay it's not easy sometimes, but even having one or two or three, is not always "easy".
I was blessed to have two babies, its worth every second.
I have two to feed.
Two to cuddle.
Two to change.
Two to play with.
And its the best feeling in the world.
And it only ever gets easier by the day, I can now feed them together, cuddle them together and we all love each other.
It may seem as a "rant" post, but those comments really bug me. Maybe its jealousy? Who knows.
But it us definitely not double the trouble, but double the love. 💙💙
Saturday, 11 June 2016
And then he shat in my hair..
So today I tried tandem feeding..
I tried this once when they were still small and they suffered some times with getting their wind up, anyway Luke ended up being sick and it put me off.
Ive had help a lot latletly with my partner having annual leave, and my family helping me with feeds. So one wouldnt have to cry whilst waiting.
So this evening I was doing a feed on my own and I thought ill tandem feed. So i got myself comfy on the sofa and put them both on my lap and proceeded. It went amazing. It was such a beautiful experience as well. Them both looking at me. Waiting patiently to be winded.
It all was amazing, I was so proud of myself.
Then it came to nappy changing, which we always do half way through and of course Chloe by here had to go and be cocky and started to change them on my lap. Done Jayden fine. He was ready and waiting, And then it came to Luke. I undid his nappy and before anything I had sh*t all on my top, on my face, on the sofa and in my hair. So their is something for you to laugh about on your saturday evening.
But my advice for mums wanting to tandem feed is, if it doesnt go well the first time. Dont give up, dont stress. Try again. AND DONT CHANGE THEM ON YOUR LAP!😅
Monday, 6 June 2016
Labour angel to labour devil..
it was beautiful my Mother and Callum was eating a McDonalds and I could't eat in case I was going to be in need of a c-section.
Even my Nanny popped in when Callum was getting the McDonalds, As I pretended not to be high of gas and air in front of her.
I was riding through my contractions, my waters still hadn't gone and I was getting impatient as I has so many missed signals of going in to labour. Was this the time?
My midwife then made a point that the babies could try and be born in their waters and that wouldn't be a great idea for twins..
So next time when she did an ''inspection'' if I had progressed then they would need a plan to break my waters.
Half way through the inspection and BANG their goes my waters. This is then when it hit me, shit im going to me a Mum. This is actually going to happen. I am in labour.
It didn't take me much longer than that when I had pethidine, which was bullshit, lasted about 20 minutes and did nothing. Gas and air only helped as I chomped on it, with dear life.
An hour later and I turned into Satan, I wanted to die. My body felt like it was going to explode. I needed to push, and I tried, and tried and tried AGAIN. Nobody would listen and just thought I wasn't pushing hard enough.
I am usually a calm person, buy my key highlights are shouting ''wankers, I hate my life, telling my mum it wasn't time to laugh, as she was helping me with a wet flannel on my head and I knocked it off and shouted at her for it, but she had to laugh''
But here is the best part, I pretended to faint on the bed. With all the monitors on me. How shitting stupid.
I screamed for about 4 hours for an epidural, they finally gave in and by the time they gave it to me, it only worked a minute before the boys were born.
Lets scan her they said. Oh yes Chloe you can't push as they're both coming out at the same time and Luke's heart is starting to drop. We will get the forceps and you push.
THIS is all that went through my head.
Luckily it has passed midnight as I didn't like the idea of having them on April fools.
The doctors all came in and with one push Jayden was born at 1:52 4lb5 and Luke at 2:09 4lb7oz with two pushes.
I then got stitched up to my eye balls.
Even though it sounds like it was a rough time at the end, this was the best night of my life and I would do it all again it a heart beat for Jayden and Luke. Do I remember the pain? No.
And do you know the best thing? My boys were born at 35weeks+2. Completley healthy with no problems at all. This made me over the moon.
Thanks for reading and sub me to read my upcoming posts
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